Stay Classy

Stay Classy is the go-to platform that helps non-profits raise money via social landing pages and unique marketing strategies. Stay Classy’s easy online fundraising tools are powerful enough to meet all the needs of running a successful non-profit organization. Some non-profit organizations using Stay Classy include Falling Whistles, Invisible Children and Team Rubicon… to name just a few!

Whichever non-profit organization you support, you should be watching out for it at the most prestigious and unique non-profit award show, the Classys. The Classys is the Grammys of non-profit awards and is held just once a year in May.  These non-profits are nominated by fun categories such as best new charity, volunteer of the year, most influential college student organization and many more. The recipient of the Charity of the Year award this year went to the Wounded Warrior Project.

This award show is not one to miss! The Classys captures all audiences including media attention from US Weekly, CNN and MTV! Make sure you nominate your favorite non-profit for the Classys and become part of the Stay Classy experience!

Habits to Help the Planet

Here are some easy ideas to get involved and help the planet that do not require a lot of time and expense.

Go fluorescent; change your bulbs from the regular lightbulb to fluorescent. The pollution reduction would equate to removing about one million cars on the road if every household in the U.S replaced one regular lightbulb.

Turn your computer off; better for your computer and for your electric bill. You’ll save approximately 4 cents a day or $14/year.

Skip rinsing dishes; you’ll save time and energy used to heat the additional water.

No need to pre-heat the oven; unless its bread or pastries of some sort. Otherwise, throw it in and turn it on.

Recycle Glass; obviously of course. Did you know you will actually reduce related air pollution and water pollution?

Diaper with a conscience; 3.5 million tons of waste in U.S. landfills each year are due to diaper waste. Be conscious when your selecting your type of diaper.

Hang dry your clothes; your wardrobe will last longer! Buy a clothes rack or dry them by air.

Go vegetarian; even if its just one day a week!

Wash in Cold or Warm; stop the hot-hot cycle and change it up to warm-cold.

One Napkin a day keeps the landfills away; or lesser I should say.  If everyone used one less napkin a day, we could  save a billion pounds of napkins a year from landfills!

Use both sides of toilet paper! No explanation necessary.

Recycle Newspaper; about 69% of newspapers are just thrown away.

Wrap creatively; reuse your old gift bags, bows and paper and get creative!!

Think twice before bottling! Try to avoid buying bottled water, there are several alternatives.

Use rechargeable batteries; invest in a charger with a few sets of rechargeable batteries

Stop paper bank statements; pay your bills online!

Use cotton swabs with paperboard spindles. If 10% of US households switched to using paperboards, the petroleum energy saved each year would be over 150,000 gallons of gasoline.

Fly with a e-ticket; did you know the cost of processing a paper ticket is about $10, while processing an e-ticket costs only $1? Save the airline industry $3 billion a year.

Skip the coffee stirrer? Come up with a more eco-friendly alternative such as a piece of pasta.

Choose matches over lighters; they are much more easily recycled.

Give it away; donate your goods before throwing them away! Several organizations such as offer ways to connect people and things!

Go to a car wash; if everyone would just take their car to a car wash we could save nearly 8.7 billion galloons of water a year.

Cut down on the junk mail; the average american receives 40lbs of junk mail a year, destroying 100 million trees.

Telecommute; work from home! Save money and gasoline! This is with your employers approval of course.

Maintain your vehicle; extend the life of your automobile as well as the earth by keeping your car maintained.

Buy local; consider the amount of pollution created to get your food from the farm to your table. Whenever possible, buy local!

Use cruise control; get up to 15% better mileage.

Adjust your thermostat; adjusting it one degree higher in the summer and one degree cooler in the winter can save about 10% of energy use.

Get your own coffee cup; cut down on waste and find your very own special cup!

Ban bath time; have a no-bath week instead! Baths require twice as much water.

Try a few of these new habits, you might be surprised with the little changes you will see and make!


Most unique and wallet-friendly non-profit organizations

With 100% of all public donations directly funding water projects, Charity Water has been a successful non-profit organization since 2009 bringing clean, safe drinking water to those in developing countries. Charity Water has funded over 8,000 projects in 20 different countries providing water to approximately 3,300,000 people. What is great about this non-profit is they allow you to donate and/or fundraise. Also, each dollar you donate or fundraise they track and provide you with the type of water used, who receives the water, and at the end you get a report of your project you helped fund to share with all your friends!

Founded in 2005, Kiva is another non-profit organization which connects people through lending to alleviate poverty. Kiva is very neat and different in the sense that you are providing a loan to help a particular borrower of your choice.  Throughout the process you receive updates as the progress comes about and are reimbursed overtime for the loan onto what is called your “Kiva Credit.”  Kiva uses the internet and micro finance institutions which allows individuals to lend as little as $25. Kiva is in more then 69 different countries, and has received over $446M in loans. Definitely worth checking out if you have that sense of giving and entrepreneurial interest!

Doctors without Borders, also known as Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF), provides medical aid to those in need throughout 70 countries. In most circumstances, those that are assisted are directly threatened by violence due to several various factors including malnutrition, natural disasters, exclusion from health care, armed conflict and epidemics.  Approximately 86 cents of every dollar supports their programs. MSF has carried out more than 7.5 million outpatient consultations with the help of 22,000 professionals including doctors, water and sanitation experts, nurses and logisticians. If you have a liking toward the field of medicine and health you have to check this non-profit out!

Helpful tips to make your contribution go far

Ever come across that gut-wrenching commercial, photo or ad and want to help immediately? WAIT!

Here are some important tips to consider before you make your special contribution.

  • Do not send supplies
  • Be cautious of email solicitations
  • Seek out the Charity’s authorized website
  • Think before you text
  • Consider the nature of the Charity’s work

According to Donate Life, 90% of Americans say they support donation, but only 30% know the essential steps to take to be a donor. Make sure you take the proper steps to ensure your donation is accepted and used by the organization you desire.

Love Africa?

Why not become involved with one of these 5 charities?

These charities include helping educate, feed and build all throughout Africa! Find one your interested in today! 

  1. Aid for Africa– Dedicated to helping children, families, and communities throughout Sub-Saharan Africa. Aid for Africa programs focus on health, education, economic development, arts & culture, conservation, and wildlife protection in Africa

2. RIPPLE Africa  – helping young Malawians reach their potential through the development of local education.

3. Send A Cow-  helping African families and orphans grow enough food to eat, sell and develop small businesses that last. Help provide livestock, seeds, training and support.

4. Together4Africa –  a coalition of UK registered charities working with local grassroots organizations in Africa. Members have agreed to work together as ‘a partnership of equals’ for a common purpose.

5. Zane Zimbabwe – helping redevelop communities who are currently in crisis and assisting people in becoming self-sufficient.

Find a charity in Africa today! You can help! 

Let’s Make a Healthier Asia!

Asia is the largest and most populous continent in the world consuming 60% of the entire world population! More than half of Asia’s population is in two countries, China and India. China has approximately 1.3 billion people, equivalent to about 19% of the entire world population.  In other words, 2 out of every 10 people in the world resonate in Asia. Unfortunately due to the amount of people, lack of health care within Asia continues to be a global issue.

Although Asia is hub too three of the largest financial arenas, other countries in Asia are struggling with the lack of adequate healthcare. The poor populations in poorer countries in South east Asia are most at risk from inadequate healthcare systems. Due to the growing number of people, providing appropriate health care has been very difficult.

Fortunately, several number of charities provide access to basic medical services and training. These charities help prevent the spread of harmful disease, and assist in supplying adequate health care throughout the Asia region. Imagine if you or your loved one was not able to receive the basic health care needed? Get involved with a charity now to help those struggling receive the appropriate health care everyone deserves.

Africa Needs You.

Africa is the second largest continent in the world, where approximately 1,500 languages are spoken. Africa makes up for 15% of the world’s population with approximately 1 billion people! With this large of population comes several issues including poverty and HIV/AIDS and lack of education.


Fortunately, several charities in Africa are all dedicated to solving the complex inter related challenges facing Africa. Members of these charities have a passionate desire to help the people of Africa solve critical problems and build a better future for their children and communities. These organizations touch all aspects of the Africa community by distributing basic school supplies, medical aid and services, and basic necessities. Africa needs your help to stop this fight against hunger and common disease. Africa Needs You.

Did you know…?

Africa is the fastest growing region on earth and faces the most serious shortages of food and water. In 2010, approximately 239 million people in Sub Saharan Africa were considered hungry.

Besides the lack of appropriate health care and nutrition, HIV/AIDS is a major health issues in Africa. In 2010, an estimated 22.9 people living with HIV in Sub-Saharan Africa. Approximately 90% of the 16.6 million children orphaned by AIDS  live in sub-Saharan Africa. Tragically, the children of Africa suffer the most from this epidemic.

Interesting Facts!

  • There are fewer people with internet access in the entire Africa than in New York City alone.
  • Nigeria is the most populated country in Africa with an estimated population of 125-145 million people.
  • 27-28% of all children in sub-Saharan Africa are estimated to be underweight or stunted.
  • 90%  malarial deaths are accounted for in Africa
  • 574 million people live without electricity in sub-Saharan Africa
  • 1 in 5 adults HIV positive, live in South Africa.
  • 13 out of 15 million AIDS orphans living around the world, live in Africa.
  • 67% of people with HIV/AIDS in the entire world, live in Africa.
  • Half the population of Africa lives on less that US$1 a day.
  • 72% of urban Africa’s citizens are home to slums.
  • Average life expectancy in Africa is only 46 years.
  • 5,500 people die of AIDS per day in Africa.

If you make more then US $1 a day, and have electricity and a roof over your head and a bed to sleep in, you are more wealthy then 75% of people in the world.

Africa Needs You. Help a charity for the people and children in Africa today. You can make a difference.

Human Services

Do you enjoy feeding the hungry? Working with underprivileged children? Assisting elderly people?

If so, a human service charity is waiting for your help! Human service charities provide assistance, shelter, food and basic necessities for the elderly, homeless and the youth in need.  These human services include social services, children and family services, youth development, shelter and crisis services.  These services help our communities and people grow and live a healthy and happy life we all deserve.

With your help you can become directly involved with providing these services! Check out the human service charities offered on your area and become involved today!


Desire to help the ill?

Have yourself or a loved one been affected by a mental or physical illness? Do you enjoy working with the ill?

Heath charities have helped cure disease, provide treatment and support to the sick and disabled and help seek further improvements in medical treatments. Heath charities also play a big role in promoting public understanding and awareness of health risks, disabilities and diseases.

By becoming involved with a heath charity you can help save a life, find a cure and help support those in need. Become a part of the movement today by checking out a charity that interests you! You too can make a difference!

How Can I Help – A Directory of Charities Around the World

Welcome to, where we make it easy to learn about different causes and charities around the world. is the ultimate go to place for ways you can get involved directly in the organzation you desire no matter where you are in the world. provides up to date relevant information of charities and organizations with direct and easy access to ways you can get involved in your community.